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Boer Does


As a general rule the more kids born per doe, the greater profit margins for the owner. Boer goats are polyestrous (they can breed throughout the year), they can reach sexual maturity at 5 months of age, however it is generally accepted that first joining should be around 12mths of age or 50kg weight. Depending on management a breeding program can produce 3 kid crops every 2 years or one kidding per year may be preferred in order to maintain the Does in good condition & therefore may produce kids for more years. Multiple births are common and a 200% kid crop is achievable in managed herds. Usually first time does will have one kid, but it is possible for them to have more. After that, they will have an average of two kids each time.

Boer Doe

Weaning size is largely controlled by how much milk the mother produces, along with how long she allows each kid to nurse. Does weaning large kids should be kept, those weaning small to medium kids should be removed from the herd.

The presence of a buck causes Does to come into oestrus (heat), which lasts about 24–72 hours. The gestation period for does varies from 145 to 155 days.

Boer Doe
Red Boer Doe with Twins

Boer Does are normally very good mothers, requiring only minimal attention from the owner; however, this is not always true when a Doe delivers her very first kid. First time Does should be supervised, as the mothering instinct may not manifest itself the first time she delivers. After the first kidding, Boer Does normally make excellent mothers. If after that a Doe does not present herself to have “mothering instincts”, it is best not to keep her.



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