
The earliest recorded goats in Africa were brought to Western Uganda by the Black Nations as early as 1200AD, the now named Boer goat was developed in South Africa by Dutch settlers in the early 1900s for meat production, the name Boer is a Dutch word meaning farmer. The Boer goat was probably bred from the indigenous goats of the Namaqua Bushman and the Fooku tribes, with some crossing of Indian and European bloodlines being possible, the aim was to produce a hardy, adaptable meat goat that could survive the varied harsh climatic conditions of the African landscape.
They were selected for meat rather than milk production through improved breeding, the Boer goat has a fast growth rate with excellent carcass qualities, making it one of the most popular breeds of meat goat in the world. Boer goats have a high resistance to disease and adapt well to hot, dry semi-deserts.
Standard Boer goats have white bodies and distinctive Red/brown heads whilst the Red Boer/Kalahari Red is solid Red/Brown in colour. Like the Nubian goat they possess long, pendulous ears. They are noted for being docile, fast growing, and having high fertility rates. Does are reported to have superior mothering skills as compared to other goats. Mature Boer bucks weigh between 100–135 kg and mature Does between 80–100 kg. The breed standards of the various Boer Goat associations have guided the Boer goat to todays improved breed, with emphasis on good overall conformation, a well muscled body, hair covering being short with dark pigmented skin, a high fertility and birth rate.
Some of the Breeds which contributed to the creation of the Boer Goat were the - Eastern Cape Xhosa Lob-ear Goat, Northern Cape Speckled Goat & Kunene Goat (Kaokoland). The Indigenous Veld goat breeds are still bred in South Africa.